How to Plan Your Email Marketing Strategy for 2024

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Email Marketing Strategy for 2023
May 11, 2023

Email is a must-have in your marketing strategy for 2024 if you want to establish lasting relationships with your clients, assist them in learning about your products and services, and consistently catch their attention.

Email marketing is the main approach used by 89% of marketers, and by 2027, the global email marketing market is expected to reach $17.9 billion. There has never been a better investment opportunity in this efficient, scalable, and economical.

However, email marketing will only be successful if you keep up with current events and adjust as necessary. It is why we’ve compiled a list of email marketing trends for 2023 that you should be aware of.

Six Email Marketing  Strategy You Need to Follow in 2023

1. A Focus on Privacy

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regulation completely changed the email marketing industry in 2018. It caused companies to reevaluate their data collection strategies and made the practices of cold emailing and email list building unlawful.

Before the GDPR became law, it was allowed to purchase “lists” of email addresses and send mass emails to everyone on the list. Customers’ demands regarding the circumstances under which and for what purpose a brand may email them have changed to emphasize privacy.

2. Focusing on email automation

You are significantly losing out on high audience engagement if you still don’t use email automation. 

The problem is that your prospects are dispersed worldwide, and despite your best efforts, you cannot physically contact them when they are prepared to convert. Automation was developed to help marketers by enabling the creation of if-then scenarios for the sending of behavior- and action-triggered messages. 

A sequence is constructed based on which the appropriate messages are sent to the appropriate persons at the appropriate times and is commonly referred to as triggered or drip emails. When designing these workflows, we advise incorporating micro-segmentation to offer highly customized experiences.

3. Making email designs engaging

The total success of your campaign is determined by the email’s design. Make no mistake about it: poor email design equals poor conversions. 

In Email marketing planning 2023, your emails must resemble mini-websites to avoid getting buried in the vast inbox clutter of your users. Even though there are numerous email design trends for this year, the most significant one is what your consumers like. A variety of designs should be tested to see what works best.

It’s not necessary to have a sophisticated email design. Ensure the email’s general color scheme complements one another, the language is short but impactful, the graphics are engaging, and the final email isn’t too big.

4. Including user-generated content

People in 2023 will be intelligent consumers. They can quickly identify when a brand is making an exaggerated claim. User-generated material is ideal for promoting your message and persuading your readers to take action in emails. 

As the term implies, brands distribute any form of user-generated content. User-generated content can be created in various ways, including blog articles, webinars, social media posts, reviews, case studies, and polls.

5. Using responsive email templates

How often do you open your laptop simply to read one particular email? Instead, you could just view it on your phone. 

Because they are busy, consumers seek products and services that simplify their lives. 81% of individuals choose to read emails on their mobile devices since they are portable and convenient. 

Making response emails is a difficult task, though. Limit vertical scrolling, make call-to-action buttons big enough to click on, and design for rendering across many email clients.

6. Maximizing accessibility in emails

Around 15% of people worldwide have some form of disability. You are significantly losing out on strong customer relationships and good conversions if your emails are not optimized for them. Your priority in Email marketing planning 2024 should be to make email available to everyone.


Email marketing is still the best method for contacting your customers. By creating a solid, risk-free strategy based on facts and useful insights, you can maximize the effectiveness of every campaign. We hope you like our post about Email marketing trends for 2024.

Mailerday is a Perfect Email Marketing Service provider to grow your business. You can either hire our Email Expert or use our email services including SMTP service, email verification, a bulletproof server, & DMCA-ignored bulletproof service. All services are affordable and have 24/7 support.


What is an email marketing strategy?

An email marketing strategy is a plan of action that outlines how businesses or individuals will use email marketing to achieve their goals. It includes defining the target audience, creating relevant and engaging content, choosing the right email automation software, and measuring the success of email campaigns.

What are some best practices for creating an effective email marketing strategy?

Some best practices for creating an effective email marketing strategy include segmenting your email list, personalizing your messages, using attention-grabbing subject lines, creating mobile-responsive emails, and including clear calls to action.

How often should I send emails as part of my email marketing strategy?

Email frequency will depend on your specific business and your audience’s preferences. Some businesses may succeed with sending daily emails, while others may only need to send a weekly or monthly newsletter.