5 Common Email Marketing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

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5 Common Email Marketing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Aug 13, 2024


As per industry experts, email marketing is one of the best campaign promotion tools in marketing communication. It usually is used as a tool for brand recognition, promotion, and staying connected with the subscribers of any business. When businesses use a series of these emails planned in a particular manner, is called an email marketing campaign. In this article, we explained the mistake to avoid while planning an email marketing campaign.

The purpose or goal of any campaign could be, to download a white paper, sign up for a webinar/ website, or make a purchase. Every email of the campaign will have a call to action button which is responsible for achieving the goal of the campaign.

Within the domain of digital marketing, email marketing is frequently regarded as an inexpensive yet highly effective instrument that can boost client interaction and stimulate revenue. It is therefore often used as the basis of many modern digital marketing campaigns.

Although it is an effective yet inexpensive way of doing marketing, it may not be effective for everyone due to ignorance or mistakes made by marketers unknowingly.

Impact and Cost Proposition of Email Marketing

This is an impactful yet cost-effective way of communication. At least 50% of the adult population (who use the internet) has an email ID. That is why emails are a powerful tool to reach more people than other tools. A recent study shows that the average return on investment in email marketing was at least $36 against each dollar. Though it varies among industries the ROI of this tool is higher than any other tool used in digital marketing. That is why experts have considered email marketing as the most cost-effective and impactful tool. 

Types of Email & Goals

Email marketing is a useful tool to engage customers or subscribers to achieve a desired goal for the campaign. The goals of the campaign can be educating consumers, brand recognition, or encouraging a certain action. 

Mainly four types of emails are being used in email marketing, such as:

  • Welcome emails: These emails introduce a brand to new customers or subscribers and set the tone for any correspondence afterward. 
  • Newsletters: Consistent updates that inform readers about your company, news from the industry, or other related subjects.
  • Promotional emails: Text sent out to advertise sales, new product releases, or exclusive offers
  • Re-engaging emails: Spark subscribers’ interest who haven’t responded to your earlier emails.

Five Major Mistakes to Avoid

People consider an email campaign successful when it achieves a high rate of click and open emails. We assume that if someone clicks and opens the email will also hit the “Call To Action” button. But not always marketers are being this lucky because they make few mistakes and this can lead to an unexpected result of the campaign. 

Here we have listed a few major email marketing mistake one should avoid while planning and executing an email marketing campaign.

  1. Delaying Your Actions

When someone signs up for your website or webinar, one welcome mail should hit their email address immediately. It is crucial because they just have been through your website and you are in their memory, so you must remind them of yourself again to ensure your brand recognition. After the welcome mail, the series of emails should be sent on time too for brand recognition and engagement of customers. You should use automation to avoid any email marketing mistake in maintaining the series of emails.  

  1. Improper Planning Before Launch

Before the launch of any campaign, one should thoroughly research and analyze the market trends, the scope, and competitors’ campaign strategies. Overlooking any of them can lead to an unsuccessful campaign.

  1. Ineffective Subject Line and Design

The subject line is the most important part of the mail which will be displayed in your audience’s mailbox and by looking at it one will decide to open the mail. It is advisable to write a strong subject line and also avoid any words that can hurt someone’s emotions or look like spam. Use related and specific subject lines and do not use all CAPS letters. Using too many images in the email design is not a good idea. Too many images take a longer time to open and people will leave the page even before they read your mail. 

  1. Vague Messaging

 It is better to keep the message of the mail short, simple, and clear. This way your message does not take much time to understand and it increases the chance to click on the Call To Action (CTA) button. It is also important to place the CTA button more than once in the mail along with a clear message about what it means to click on the button.

  1. Ignoring Mobile Users

Up to 70% of your email readers will use mobile devices because it is convenient and time-saving. it will be a serious error if you ignore smartphone and tablet users. Simple, clear formatting that makes text and graphics readable on a small screen is ideal for mobile devices. You don’t want to make the reader work harder than required. Use photos that are no wider than 600 pixels, and limit the amount of text to one column. Make sure your emails seem the way you want them to by testing them on mobile apps.

Final Words

Try to pay attention and stay away from these email marketing mistakes to increase the chances of a successful email marketing campaign that will help to reach your business goals. To achieve effective results, get associated with an effective email marketing service provider. You can effectively target a wider range of audiences and get better conversions by avoiding these marketing blunders.


How to write a good subject line?

You can craft a good subject line with some tricks as follows:
– Write a personalised message like: Nick we have crafted this plan for you
– Mention a time frame like: Hurry up the offer is expiring today
– Raise curiosity like: Do you know what’s required to improve your strategy?/ Do you still make the same mistake?
– Offer some discounts like Now avail up to 50% discount on subscriptions

What should I keep in mind while designing an Email?

While designing an email try to avoid many images, this may cause slow loading. Also, try not to use too many colors that will make the design clumsy and the reader can get distracted. The email should have a CTA button at least twice with a clear message about what to expect.

How can I avoid the mistake of not sending any mail of the series of email marketing campaigns?

A simple solution to this is to use automation. Make a series of emails with the help of automation that will send emails on time without fail. This will help you to filter customers and complete the funnel. 

Is it really important to send test emails before the campaign? 

Yes, it is very important to send test emails before you start the campaign. This way you can check the receivers’ experience with the email, typos or errors, links, and content. If you find any issue with any of them, then you can fix it before it hits your audience.

How to add a call to action button in an appropriate manner?

The call to action button is the lifeline of any email campaign. It is important that you repeat it at least twice in the mail and one of the CTA buttons must be at the end of the mail. It should appear distinctly and clearly.